Friday, December 16, 2011
Check out December's SwirlyHues Challenge!
Your hostess for this month is the uber-talented and gorgeous Angelica!  Look at what she chose for you!

Dark Brown: R69,G34,B15
Cream:  R252, G255, B224
Deep Red: R143,G20, B2

Here is Angelica's beautiful example

Another example from DT member LisaV

Important to know:  This challenge is open to EVERYONE; members and non-members alike. 
The Rules:
1)  Must stick to the hues provided.  You may add black or white, but it can NOT be more than 5% of your total page and can NOT be a main element. 
2)  You must interpret the sketch provided. 
3)  Now for the Swirly-fying element – you MUST use one of our tutorials on your page.  Here is a LINK to our tutorials. It is really to our forum.  Just scroll down.  Our tutorials are separated by category.  You can choose anything your beautiful, creative heart desires. 
4) Create a post on your blog for your SwirlyHues entry. 
5) Upload your gorgeous creation to the SwirlyHues album in our gallery no later than midnight eastern time on January 10th.  Click HERE to get there.  You will need to register to upload photos.  It's free! Use the following format to name your item: SH Dec 2011 (insert your project name here).  Your photos can be no larger than 600x600.  In the description please tell us what tutorial you used and a link to your blog post. If you don't have a blog, just let us know that. 
6)  2 winners will be chosen; 1st and 2nd place.  Each winner will receive one of our highly coveted blog badges (see the right-side bar).  Winners will be posted to the Swirlydoos blog on the 13th of the month (unless otherwise noted), as well as our Facebook page.  Check back here to see your name and then contact LisaV at  She will make sure you get your blog badge and then we'll add you to our blog for the month! Superstahhhhhh *strike a pose* 
7) The next challenge will be uploaded to our blog on January 10th!
************DRUM ROLL*********
First , Krissy and the Design Team want to take a moment to give a heartfelt thank you for another successful Hop.  We were all just taken aback by your very kind and generous comments. A big thank you goes out to the manufacturers that were a part of the hop as well; Clear Scraps, Bo Bunny and Petaloo.  You are all amazing!!

Here are the lucky winners of our December Blog Hop Block Party.  Please remember that you have 7 days to claim your prize. Email Lisa at with your name and mailing info so we can get you your prize!

Amy!!!  You've won a Glitz Prize Pack From Swirlydoos!

Nicole!!!  You have won $25 worth of product from Clear Scraps!

Erin D!!!  You have won the Bo Bunny Blitzen Prize Pack!

LaQuette Akins!!!  (where is your avi girl? LOL)  You have won the Petaloo Collection!

Char!!!  You have won the May Arts Prize!!!
Congratulations ladies!  We really appreciate your support and I hope to hear from you soon!!! Stay tuned to our blog for upcoming information on our next Hop.


Paulien van den Bosch said...

Congratulations ladies!!!!!

Amy said...

What a suprise to see my picture under winners! Thanks so very very much! Whoo Hoo!!!

Amy said...

Just got my Glitz package and I love it! Thanks so much!
Now just can't wait to get the order I placed....I love you guys!

Ddcdragonfly said...

Beautiful layouts and congrats to the winners.
With the holidays over, I have time to scrap ... Yay!


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