Saturday, March 28, 2009

In honor of World Autism Day, and to raise awareness of this very serious disorder, we are GIVING AWAY 3 beautiful Mason's Puzzle Acrylic Albums to 3 lucky winners!!! My Acrylic Album has generously donated these awesome puzzle albums to Swirlydoos to show their support in raising awareness for Autism. Krissy Mosbarger designed this special puzzle for My Acrylic Album in honor of her son, Mason who was diagnosed with Autism at the tender age of 18 months. Proceeds from each and every Mason's Album sold goes directly to Autism Speaks (in Mason's name) to help further their research in finding both a cause and a cure. If you would like to learn more about the Mason's Puzzle, you can either visit My Acrylic Album, or visit the Mason's puzzle page in our store. These puzzles are available with 6" or 8" puzzle pieces that are fully interlocking. They retail for $15.00 and $20.00 respectively.
Please help us spread the word about Autism, and about the Mason's puzzles by directing your friends to this SUPER DUPER EASY CONTEST!
What do you have to do to win a Mason's Puzzle Acrylic Album?
EEEEEEEEASY PEEEESY, All you need to do is leave us a comment telling us how you, or someone you know has been affected by Autism. Don't know anyone who's been affected by Autism? Then tell us what you LOVE about scrapbooking kit clubs! And be sure to check out our site and our kits on your way through!
Here are some projects created using this fabulous puzzle album!

Artist: Kory Dordea
Artist: Irene Tan
Good Luck Friends!
3 Randomly selected winners will be announced here on April 3rd!
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Love it,that is an amazing way to raise awareness for Autism!
And April the 3rd is the day before my bday!! I'll be a whopping 31!
So, cute. Also, agree its a great way to raise the awarness.
What a great thing to do! My closest friend from childhood and her husband visit his brother as much as possible. He's autistic and unfortunately had to be removed from his home due to violent, harmful outbursts where he injured himself and others. His family put off doing so as long as possible, but his brother is an adult now and too strong for them to control when he has an outburst. It's heartbreaking! Not all cases are as severe and I think it's really important for people to learn about autism and its effects on the child and the family.
Well I do know we thought at one point our 7 year old had autism and it was something that we did not know about ( my son is not autistic tho). But I can appreciate what parents and loved ones have to go through
Beautiful projects using an amazing product! Thank you for offering this and inspiring us all to be more aware (and hopefully active)!
I agree great giveaway for raising awareness...we thought my grandson had it but they say he tested negative. just slow at speaking...I love your examples of how you did your puzzles pieces...
My heart goes out to those families who are touched by Autism. How wonderful that Swirdlydoos is helping the cause!
I love the variety of supplies that come in a scrapbooking kit! Helps get your creative juices flowing! I also love the gallery on the website for inspiration.
Hi Krissy,
My nephew has Autism,
Life is very hard for my sister-in-law. (his mom) She told me that when her mother died Niels (my nephew) didn't realize it. She said that was the most difficult time for her. She felt like she couldn't reach him. I don't really understand this. I pray for these children. Thank you for doing these fundraisers.
What an amazing cause! I haven't been touched by it personally. While in college working at getting my degree in Children and Family Studies I spent time with autistic children. It was amazing work/volunteer time. A real eye opener.
What a wonderful cause and adorable album! Thanks for the giveaway!
I don't personally know anyone who suffers from autism.
I love the fact that kits are all coordinating and sometimes you gets embellishments that you haven't seen before and finally get to try.
Beautiful projects made from that wonderful puzzle album.
I worked in a special needs classroom for several years before my son was born, and my best friend is an autism specialist... I have seen some of these families go through some very very tough times. And now that my son has hit the age of 20 months we are now going through the process ourselves of determining whether he is showing signs of autism or some other developmental delay.
My Cousins son has been diagnosed with Autism, and I try to do the walk with her when I am able. And if I cant do the walk, I always support her! I also used to babysit a little boy with autism, So I really hope one day soon we can find a cure!
I teach Art in a public school, and when I had the elementary students, I had one little guy with autism. He was an amazing artist, but liked to be left alone to do his thing. Toward the end of the year he just came up to me and hugged me, it made my whole year!
I so want one of these albums. thanks for the giveaway.
I am really touched by your drive to spread the word for Autism Awareness. I have a friend whos DD has autism. I respect her for all that she has to do for her daughter wether it is convincing her to wear sock even though they don't feel right to struggling with her to make friends. This is an awesome cause. Thank you for sharing. charlotte
How sweet of you to do a giveaway to help with the awareness of autism. So far our family has been very blessed and have not been touched however I know many families who have been and my heart goes out to them. I love your kits and your designers are so talented. I especially love Irene Tan's work.
My son is six; he is non-verbal and has Autism. We are affected everyday. We have good days, and a lot of bad days. I try to stay as positive as I can. My son gives me a unique perspective on life, and I am glad to have him in my life.
I work in a pediatric subspecialty office, so we have kids with autism come into our office. It always amazes me how God knows who to give these children to, for parents. They are some of the most patient, caring and amazing people!
Great cause!!
Thank you for raising autism awareness, it's good to let people know more about this. I have a friend who has a son with very minor autism, he knows he's different but tries so hard to be like everyone else. It was interesting to hear her tell me that her son wishes that he was treated like everyone else rather than different. I know his case is not severe and this does not work in all cases, but it's neat to see him try to be just like everyone else, I guess when he hits his teens he will want to be different.
How wonderful for you to do this!!! My daughter has a friend who's son was diagnosed with Autism and I have seen them go through so much with Joshua!!!! He is such a wonderful little boy and we pray for the family and all of those that are that are battling this in their lives!!!!! I am going to check out the albums... Have a wonderful Monday!
Wonderful that you are spreading the word about this all too common disability. 2 of my 4 children are autistic as well as a grand child and a great nephew. It is a way of life for us but so many people don't have any idea what this can be like. Thanks so much for caring.
What a wonderful way to the word out on Autism!!!
What a wonderful way to spread the word on Autism.. Love your kits...
A former co-worker and his wife have an autistic son. He is in such a loving environment and home and in his school that he is doing very well. This is a very worthy cause! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
What a great give away for such a worthy cause! Our youngest DD has tutored a young boy with autism for the past 3 years. She pours her heart and soul into helping him. He has made great strides.
We also have friends with a set of twins, one boy, one girl. The son developed autism when he was 3. His mother, Kim, took on the task of working with him continually without letting up on him. He is now mainstreamed in public schools and is in the 10th grade with his sister. He excels in Math and Science. His future is bright!
A young man who works with me is autistic. He's assigned to "returns", reshelving merchandise.
At home, he works on his computer, developing techno rock; he's published a CD and figured out how to sell it through Amazon.
I have so much respect and admiration for his mother for her patience and love for David.
Congratulations for being proactive for Mason. My best friend works in a group home with three autistic boys an loves them dearly.I donate all the cards I make to the local Child advocacy Center..They work with children who have bee victims of sexual abuse. All the cards go to the kids for various occaisions,
I think we all need to pay it forward..Domestic abuse centers etc.
We have a talent that CAN make a difference