Monday, February 24, 2014

New Design Team Member!

We are very excited to have Tracey Gregory joining the Swirlydoos design team! Tracey is no stranger to Swirlydoos, and we are excited to have her back in our wonderful community on the forums.

Here' a little bit about Tracey:

Hello! My name is Tracey Gregory and I live in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts with the love of my life,my husband Gary. I have been blessed to be the mother of four children: Hayden (22), Austin (20), Lukas (15) and the baby girl, Naomi (13). I am also a proud auntie to my adorable niece,Vivien. 
To support my scrapping habit I work as a Quality Assurance/Staff Educator RN for a Hospice.
I am definitely a shabby chic style scrapper.I love all things vintage,tattered and worn. I like to play with Mixed Media and off the page projects as well. My family is the focus of much of my scrapping! I have been fortunate to be be published in both online and print magazines. Currently I am also on Design Teams for Berry71Bleu, Something Tattered Vintage Stamps, HeArt and Soul and Stuck on U Sketches.
I started scrapping at the suggestion of a friend,who thought I might like it.After a year or so of telling her I just didn't have time for something like that,I went to a crop and got hooked! I started looking at online sites for inspiration and kept being drawn to layouts made by "Swirlydoos" designers. I joined up and a whole new world opened up for me. I truly credit the lovely ladies,Krissy,the Design Team and the members,for helping me become the scrapper I am today. The techniques, inspiration and friendships found at Swirlydoos truly are like no other. Being able to serve as a Swirlydoos Designer feels like coming full circle,coming "home." I am thrilled to be here!

Please join us in welcoming Tracey to the team!


  1. So very excited for you! Swirly cheer!

  2. Sounds like a fun life -- Always follow your dream

  3. Welcome Home, Tracey, and congratulations!!! Such a perfect match: you and Swirlydoos!!!

  4. Congratulations Tracey! Can't wait to see your work!

  5. I love your work Tracy and am so happy to see you here Swirlydoos!
